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  1. Dispatch By Tote

    I would like to see the option to despatch by tote added where a single order is scanned into a tote by the picker and the packer scans the tote to dispatch instead of scanning the products.

    90% of our products do not come barcoded as they're not retail items and barcoding these items manually is not an option due to volume.

    Being able to scan a pick location to pick the products into a tote and then scan the tote to dispatch would allow us to fully utilize the SF app.

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  2. Option to print an additional unpaid returns label when dispatching orders using scan & despatch

    For a lot of order returns, our customers must arrange & pay for return postage. To make the process a little easier for them, and to make sure they use the correct address, we'd like to be able to print off a third label for all orders at the point of dispatch, which has our return address on it, and also the customer order number (so we can identify the customer who has made the return if there is no note in with their return.). They can then attach this label to their package when returning it.

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    HI Sali,

    we do have a feature of creation tracked returns labels in bulk.  If you would like to contact the support team, they will be able to give you guidance on how to get this activated for you.

    If we don't hear back from you on here by next motth I'll close this request off.



  3. Ability to archive a product to a date

    It would be great if you could 'archive' a product to a date so for example, we may have a product that is out of stock until 1st September 2023, we therefore don't want to keep seeing it on the Purchase Order daily and removing it/writing it off so it would be great if you could set the 1st September 2023 as a date for the item to unarchive/become available again. This would then allow a level of automation for out of stock products and seasonal products that you may want to hide for a period of the year then…

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  4. Import payment info from Shopify to Xero on new orders.

    Import payment info from Shopify to Xero on new orders.

    Orders are exported to Storefeeder and on despatch an invoice is sent to Xero

    Currently a manual process is required to either match a PayPal payment to the invoice or to add a payment if paid via Shopify payments. (We have multiple stores, so need to get the payment on the correct store)

    On a previous system I used, the payment type/amount etc would be exported to Xero and then when the order was despatched it would tie up with the invoice and a 1 click of the "ok" button.…

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  5. Product image naming not SEO friendly

    When I prepare an image for upload to Storefeeder I save it using a SEO friendly title (e.g. the name of the product)

    However when it is uploaded to storefeeder the title of the image is renamed to random letters and numbers.

    This number/letter title is then used when uploaded to Shopify, so I lose any SEO benefit I would have had by using the name of the product as the title of the image.

    Please allow us to keep the image title we create when we upload images and use that seo friendly name when uploading to Shopify etc.

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  6. Integrate with Vinted

    Need to be able to integrate with Vinted.

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  7. Click & Collect orders

    A Click & Collect order has to go through a pickwave for stock purposes, but at present the pickwave then sits "live" and not dispatched until the order is collected.

    I've been told I can tag a pickwave as "click & collect" but this is still going to clutter the open pickwave section up, especially when there are lots of single order pickwaves.

    The ideal solution would be that these sit somewhere else a little more distinguishable or perhaps hiding pickwaves with tag "Click & Collect". Basically, just something that means they're not cluttering up the open pickwave area.

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  8. Set Date to be Complete ready to pick

    We seem to be getting more requests to order an item but delay the delievery so that the customer is available to take the delivery. Customers will often place there order then contact us afterwards. It would be a great feature if we could essentially acknolwedge the order, place it on hold, but add a date on when to release the order to "Complete Ready to Pick". If we know the item will go via Parcelforce 24 hour, we can dispatch it the previous day to meet the customer desired delivery date.

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  9. Improving Etsy integration to include categories and other listing updates

    Adding further options with the Etsy integration so that more can be done through Storefeeder would be great. We are trying to update categories in bulk but there is currently no way to do this on Etsy or Storefeeder.

    Adding in a greater depth of integration between SF and Etsy would be really useful as Etsy grows.

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  10. Default picker

    It would be handy if there could be a default picker setting, this would speed up creating pickwaves as it takes away the step of selecting a picker everytime an order is despatched. Or perhaps it could have the last picker as the selected picker for the next batch of pickwaves? That way it only needs to be changed / clicked if the picker changes.

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  11. Shopify POS be distinguishable / have "POS" as the shipping method

    Shopify POS be distinguishable / have "POS" as the shipping method.

    At the moment, when a Shopify POS order pulls into StoreFeeder it has "Default Shipping" as the shipping order. It would be good if it said "POS"
    Stewart has said "I have spoken to the team about this and the only way to distinguish these orders in StoreFeeder is to check the addresses of the orders as they are imported. POS order will be missing address information"

    (Inflatex/RIBstore's ticket 63556)

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  12. Integration For The Courier UPS

    We have some parcels which we can only send with UPS, it would be great to have this integration so that we can process labels through Storefeeder rather than processing them manually.
    All the other top couriers are in Storefeeder except for this one.

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  13. Pick multiple waves at once

    The idea is for one picker to pick multiple waves on one trip around the warehouse. It would apply the same principle as trolley / consolidated picking to a larger volume of orders - instead of splitting one wave into smaller groups (or individual orders) ready for picking, you split a large volume of orders into smaller, standard waves ready for packing.

    For example:

    I have 150 orders to pick.
    I split them into three waves of 50.
    All three waves are assigned to one picker on one 'trolley' (terminology TBC), and are 'merged' for picking.
    I place three totes…

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  14. remove inactive listing variant attributes

    if there was a way to remove unused values from this in bulk instead of manually deleting each one

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  15. Default Custom Attributes

    Please can we have the feature to have custom attributes preselected from a drop down. For example, instead of having to type in 'Green' for the Product Colour attribute, we can have a dropdown option of preset colours, please look at ticket 51608 for more information

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  16. eBay Default Values Templates - Bulk Import/Export & Duplicate Option

    When using StoreFeeder's "eBay Default Values" to bulk upload new listings to eBay, it would be handy if "New Default Values" had the option to bulk import/export via CSV, or have the option to copy/duplicate an existing template, and then rename and edit it.

    This would generally speed up the whole eBay listing process when using multiple categories and shipping options.

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  17. HS codes for kits.

    I sell a lot of 'kits' on Shopify. In StoreFeeder, these kits have component products set against them for stock take purposes. However, when I ship a kit the CN22/23 lists every component rather than just the kit. I have HS codes from HMRC for these kits so don't need each product listed, which can be very lengthy and also cost my customer more.

    Please consider the ability to use a kit HS code.

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  18. Reordering the search bar results show 'newest to oldest'

    The search bar is great for finding results quickly, however when I search for customer names it displays the oldest order at the top first.

    When the customer has a lot of orders, I always have to click into 'View All' on the orders to take me to the order page, in order to see the most recent order.

    It would be helpful if the results could be reordered with the most recent order at the top, as this is usually the result I am looking for (for example if customers call up asking about an order they placed, it…

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  19. Sales reports that capture the cost price at the time of purchase

    I run sales reports to calculate profit but the report I download only captures the cost price at the time of the download and not at the time of the purchase. Our prices fluctuate weekly depending on our suppliers, this prevents me from getting an accurate profit margin on each line.


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  20. Partial Refund Shipping

    We would like there to be an option in the 'returns' section on Storefeeder where we can partially refund shipping on the order so it matches our database exactly. At the moment there is just an option to refund the shipping in full or not at all, it would be helpful if we could partially refund this.

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