202 results found
Ability to drag and drop product variations into different sort order
Sometimes we get a Small, Medium only in a specific colour and we get the Large or XLarge at a later date.
It would be great to have a feature where we can drag variations into a different sort order. This way we can keep all the sizes and colours together, this makes it so much easier when updating stock, rather than looking through everything being jumbled up.9 votes -
Ability to link Responsible People for GPSR to Brand & Pre-Populate
We noticed with the recent update we can add Responsible People (RP) to our system and then add these to products, however, as typically brands are linked to one person is there a way to link these so when a brand is selected for a product then a RP is also selected (with toggle to turn on or off)
3 votes -
Drag and Drop Image functionality for Shopify and other listings
Can we have a function that would allow the drag and dropping of images when creating listings within Storefeeder.
When creating a shopify listing with lots of images and it very time consuming to arrange the order of the images by inputting a sort number.
It would be great if we can drag them into the correct order.7 votes -
Inventory Age Ranges
Could you add a feature to categorize inventory into age ranges (0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-180, 181-270, 271-365, and 365+ days)? New stock would start in 0-30, and as items sell, the oldest stock is reduced first. This would help us quickly identify aging stock and apply discounts accurately.
4 votes -
Ability to upload a product video or YouTube URL Link For Shopify Product
Can we have the ability to upload product videos or have the option to input a youtube video url when uploading a product to shopify.
This option is available within Shopify directly and it would be great to be able to do this in Storefeeder rather than having to add this after in Shopify.6 votes -
Product image naming not SEO friendly
When I prepare an image for upload to Storefeeder I save it using a SEO friendly title (e.g. the name of the product)
However when it is uploaded to storefeeder the title of the image is renamed to random letters and numbers.
This number/letter title is then used when uploaded to Shopify, so I lose any SEO benefit I would have had by using the name of the product as the title of the image.
Please allow us to keep the image title we create when we upload images and use that seo friendly name when uploading to Shopify etc.
2 votes -
Alert Manager If A Pickwave Has An Error
We typically get lots of errors pop up and it would be great if instead of having to walk down to the manager who deals with pick waves, the system could instead automatically notify a specific person/email that there is a pick wave that needs attention.
2 votes -
Prevent Listings Being Created For Certain Products/Marketplaces
We have a few items which can't be listed on certain sites due to restrictions etc, these tend to differ per marketplace slightly and/or can be despatched to certain countries. It would be great therefore if you could say put a restriction on a product so that it could not be uploaded to eBay US (where the product may clash with US laws etc)
2 votes -
Pause Pickwaves
It would be ideal to be able to pause pickwaves once opened as to help better tracking of time.
I.e., If a pickwave extends into and over lunch, or if an employee takes a break during a pickwave.
Furthermore, the ability to add notes as to why a pickwave was paused for better traceability.
5 votes -
PDA App login by Pin number
PDA's have a little screen and often little keyboards and logging in with email address and hopefully a long complicated password is not the easiest and often leads to mistypes or worse saved passwords.
Use of a 4 or 6 digit pin number to login would make the process simpler and less likely to resort to system saved PW's and ID's. Also help stop users using others ID's when they are saved.
16 votesWe will take this under consideration as we have to be careful with possible security implications.
Click & Collect orders
A Click & Collect order has to go through a pickwave for stock purposes, but at present the pickwave then sits "live" and not dispatched until the order is collected.
I've been told I can tag a pickwave as "click & collect" but this is still going to clutter the open pickwave section up, especially when there are lots of single order pickwaves.
The ideal solution would be that these sit somewhere else a little more distinguishable or perhaps hiding pickwaves with tag "Click & Collect". Basically, just something that means they're not cluttering up the open pickwave area.
3 votes -
Show Notes Only For Certain Pickers
It would be really handy to be able to show notes for certain pickers.
For example a new picker with no experience may need reminding how to pack a certain product. Something that an experienced picker would know and not need to be told everytime they pack a specific item.
At the moment barcode despatched notes are either shown for everyone, or no one - there is no inbetween which means experienced users need to clear every message.
2 votes -
Stock Location Barcodes
It would be good to have a button similar to the Product EAN/UPC barcode print in the Stock Locations. At the moment we go off and generate barcodes using other software (or online) but if we could create the location in storefeeder and the print to our label printer it would save some time for us . Thanks
12 votesWe think this may be a welcome feature so we will discuss this. Considerations would be the label sizing
Make adding weight to orders mandatory like price currently is for example with a *. To avoid orders going out without weighs in them.
1 vote -
Designate product as Digital
Alongside lots of physical products, our site sells a handful of "digital" products - such as a membership product and downloadable content files. We currently assign these products to a "digital" warehouse but the orders need manually marking as Despatched every so often, which triggers despatch notification emails to be sent to customers, which is weird. It would be great to have a Digital flag on products, which if ticked would mean Storefeeder essentially does nothing with that SKU, and just assumes it has been fulfilled immediately by the storefront.
10 votes -
Create order rules
When certain orders meet a criteria then actions are taken.
Example: a customer spends over £20, a free item is added onto their order.
A customer chooses priority shipping, a certain packaging type is selected.
A customer buys a new product which is running a promotion that a free gift will be included.1 vote -
Ability to disable automatic supplier creation
Currently new suppliers are automatically created based on eBay listings.
New EU legislation makes it so we have to include supplier information in eBay listings. When this is mapped to Storefeeder, it creates a new supplier, even though we already have supplier categories that we add manually for each product.
1 vote -
Annual Stock Take
To have an option on the app or pc where we can see the percentage of how many locations or products were scanned and counted. Ex : a report which we can print and see that 100% of our products or locations were scanned and counted and nothing was missed out.
1 vote -
Purchase order - show brand filter
Show brand filter on the PO page, as we do POs per brand for the supplier to stream line booking in and ordering.
Thanks, Sam
1 vote -
Order Notes Images
It would be great if we could upload images to an order notes so that we can save pictures or damages, faults or PODs for continuity of information between staff.
6 votes
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