27 results found
Drag and Drop Image functionality for Shopify and other listings
Can we have a function that would allow the drag and dropping of images when creating listings within Storefeeder.
When creating a shopify listing with lots of images and it very time consuming to arrange the order of the images by inputting a sort number.
It would be great if we can drag them into the correct order.8 votes -
Ability to upload a product video or YouTube URL Link For Shopify Product
Can we have the ability to upload product videos or have the option to input a youtube video url when uploading a product to shopify.
This option is available within Shopify directly and it would be great to be able to do this in Storefeeder rather than having to add this after in Shopify.6 votes -
Make adding weight to orders mandatory like price currently is for example with a *. To avoid orders going out without weighs in them.
1 vote -
Improving Etsy integration to include categories and other listing updates
Adding further options with the Etsy integration so that more can be done through Storefeeder would be great. We are trying to update categories in bulk but there is currently no way to do this on Etsy or Storefeeder.
Adding in a greater depth of integration between SF and Etsy would be really useful as Etsy grows.
3 votes -
Mapping Defaults - Option to toggle default settings for mapping listings
When mapping listings can we have the option to set the default toggles. We are forever deselecting the toggles under 'Copy the following from the listing to the product: Images & Custom Attributes' as these two buttons are set to default as 'Yes' but as we don't want to copy the images and attributes across to these products as a default we have to constantly deselect these before mapping the products.
2 votes -
Improving Deletion Of Amazon/Etsy Listings From Storefeeder
We find it really longwinded to have to go into Amazon to delete an order, then etc to delete the same SKU/ASIN. We then have to redownload the SKU for it to unmap / disappear and then redownload again to clear it when it comes back in (due to time lags)
We can delete these easily from Storefeeder and eBay in one click
8 votes -
Increased Pricing Profile Tokens
We think that pricing profiles could benefit from shorter-term metrics such as 'sold in last day'.
The current measures are ok, but most companies would benefit from pricing based on a daily measure.
6 votes -
Add Amazon Default Values For Listing Creation
It would be great if Amazon also had a Default Values section just like eBay so that when uploading a certain product you can have most of the generic default values automatically populated to save time and reduce errors.
7 votesThanks for your suggestion.
We are currently updating to Amazons new listing APIs which should allow us to do this. Using the current submission method its not easily done.
This work is going to take us some time so wont be started until we are uing the new API.
any chance we could have a keyboard shortcut for "save and upload" function
Any chance we could have a keyboard shortcut for "save and upload" function?
1 vote -
Multi Buy - % discount option for when you load products onto Ebay
It would be really good to load the multi Buy % discount option for when you load products onto Ebay from Storefeeder
1 vote -
Notification for listings with warnings/requiring attention
At present StoreFeeder doesn't send notifications when listings have warnings but you can filter the listings grid to listings that are 'Attention Required.
However if this isn't checked regularly, it means a listing on eBay (as an example) might not be live for quite sometime before the issue is realised.1 vote -
Woo commerce multi attribute
I have asked before about storefeeder's inability to list multi attribute to woo commerce which handles this without issue. This means if something is black and red i have to decide which it is and can have it under both colours or have hundreds of different colour options on my website filters. I was told this had been requested by another client and was in the pipeline but i haven't heard anything since. Please introduce the ability to have multiple of the same attribute on a woocommerce listing. this is something that is already possible on a product just not…
1 vote -
Listing still active on ebay
The ability to see if a listing becomes dead after a period of no stock on ebay.
For example
Item has stock all sell, then it takes awhile to restock, ebay kill the listing, without us knowing.17 votesWe are looking at the possibility of doing this.
Pricing Profile for RRPs
same to profile pricing for listing prices, the same for RRPs would be great when RRP prices change, there is no need to update all channels individually and manually.
Thanks, Sam
1 vote -
remove inactive listing variant attributes
if there was a way to remove unused values from this in bulk instead of manually deleting each one
3 votes -
Default Custom Attributes
Please can we have the feature to have custom attributes preselected from a drop down. For example, instead of having to type in 'Green' for the Product Colour attribute, we can have a dropdown option of preset colours, please look at ticket 51608 for more information
3 votes -
eBay Default Values Templates - Bulk Import/Export & Duplicate Option
When using StoreFeeder's "eBay Default Values" to bulk upload new listings to eBay, it would be handy if "New Default Values" had the option to bulk import/export via CSV, or have the option to copy/duplicate an existing template, and then rename and edit it.
This would generally speed up the whole eBay listing process when using multiple categories and shipping options.
3 votes -
do not map
We are just looking to put forward a request which would be very helpful when mapping products.
When we have done new listings which contain various products that have already been created on store feeder we have to map these individually.
For example we have a listing which is all of the white leatherette displays we have in stock. This listing would have close to 90 different products. To map this we have to individually click "do no map" on 89 of the products to map one of these to the correct item. Then repeat 90 times to all items…2 votes -
Listing Bulk Price Update for Shopify Listings
Would be nice to have this function applied to the Compare At Price field for Shopify listings.
1 vote -
File Support for Webp formats for better SEO Site Speeds
New Webp image formats are faster than jpg / jpeg / png files and we are all trying to improve our website SEO but at present Storefeeder does not support these files.
18 votesHi Steven,
thanks for your suggestion. I'll get this one discussed.
- Don't see your idea?