The ability to set maximum stock quantities each pickbin can hold
I'm sure like many, I have my main pickbin location for a product, plus an overflow which is used to top up the main pickbin.
The current transfers of 7days of stock I feel is a bit useless to me, as I'm 1-very seasonal and 2-sales of some items fly one week and then I don't sell them for a few weeks. and 3-my pickbins are set sizes, and printing off a transfer sheet of recommendations will end up in more items being moved from the mezzaine (where my overflow stock is) to downstairs to the main pickbins, only to have to move it back.
I am really surprised that I can't set a maximum stock quantity for each item within it's pickbin. For example, some of the larger pumps I can fit 6 of in a box, but tiny items I will have 30 of in their main pickbin.
Being able to set maximum stock quantities that a pickbin can hold would make the recommended stock transfers much more useful.