170 results found
Ability to edit product notes within a Purchase Order
We often receive information from our suppliers about products during the PO creation process, it would be useful as we get updated information to be able to edit the product note directly from the Purchase Order rather than having to click through to the product first, to speed along the process.
4 votes -
Warehouse zone creation via import
For users with multiple warehouses, the process of adding a new zone manually takes an extremely long time. There needs to be an import feature for this as there is for normal locations
1 vote -
fix the spreadsheet exports so they don't have all the extra black columns and rows
fix the spreadsheet exports so they don't have all the extra black columns and rows. Currently exports have all these extra blank rows and columns that have to be removed before you can do anything useful with the data.
1 vote -
Split special instructions box for when a courier note is left.
For example 'leave with neighbor' or 'put behind bins' to be separate from a gift message or gift wrap note.1 vote -
Integrate with Tesco Marketplace
Integrate with Tesco Marketplace
1 vote -
Please add the ability for the shipping rules to amend the size of an order
Our overseas couriers do not use letter services. When we get ordersd that are letter sized but going overseas we have to manually change these to large letter before we can generate a label for them. Could you please add the ability within the shipping rules section so that if an order comes through from overseas and is letter sized, the system can automatically amenmd the size to large letter?
1 vote -
Notification for listings with warnings/requiring attention
At present StoreFeeder doesn't send notifications when listings have warnings but you can filter the listings grid to listings that are 'Attention Required.
However if this isn't checked regularly, it means a listing on eBay (as an example) might not be live for quite sometime before the issue is realised.1 vote -
Reserve stock at inventory level rather than listing level (out of stock threshold) to help with replacing faulty items or overselling
Ability to reserve X number of units of stock for issues such as replacing faulty products, rather than purposfully undercounting stock, it would allow stock levels to be accurate in pickbins, and ensure we have a buffer of stock for issues or overselling situations.
1 vote -
Integration For The Courier UPS
We have some parcels which we can only send with UPS, it would be great to have this integration so that we can process labels through Storefeeder rather than processing them manually.
All the other top couriers are in Storefeeder except for this one.3 votes -
Bulk Inventory Update and Product Import - automap / closest match relevant fields
Automap or seek the closest match for the header rows when uploading via bulk inventory update or product import/export.
The same functionality exists in CSV Order Import - you click a button to automatically map any matching headers. You still have to confirm that you want to map those headers before starting the CSV order import, and would envisage the same thing here.
For example, in a bulk inventory update, I might have a file with three columns:
InventorySF requires SKU and Inventory to do a Bulk Inventory Update. Therefore, the system would select those two fields…
2 votes -
Pick from bulk location when someone orders a full box quantity or more than we have in the pickbin
Currently if we take a large order for a product, it will empty the pickbin and then take the picker to the bulk location. It would be neater for the picker if they just took all the product from the bulk location or at least got them to retreive full box quantities from the bulk location.
4 votesHi,
thanks for your suggestion. This is something we have already talked about implementing as an option of your warehouse and/or pickwave creation.
There are no timescales for this work as yet.
Introduce Mac Address Restriction
Introduce Mac Address Restriction. As a company we can not ask staff without a company phone to use 2FA. We have staff members who work remotely, whether that be out on site or shows. Even there we can not rely on IP Address restriction, if the server goes down.
1 vote -
BigCommerce - Add "Free Shipping" to listing import/export
The BigCommerce "Free Shipping" product setting can be changed manually on the listing page on StoreFeeder, but unfortunately it is not available in the listing import/export tool.
Please consider adding this to the import/export tool so we can update this setting in bulk.
2 votes -
Intergation with Shift (ex Tuffnells/ Yodel)
As you might be aware Shift bought Tuffnells and recently Yodel
and become one of the major players as the new courier company for UK.Currently the only option to upload the new orders for Shift is through CSV file, which is time consuming.
If there is a way for Shift to become one of the dedicated couriers on SF platform, that would make life easier.
I'm sure there are many SF customers waiting for this feature...
2 votes -
Add packaging cost to products/variants
It would be useful to be able to add the cost of product packaging to products - many of our suppliers have an additional cost for putting our products into packaging, so having this info in SF would be really helpful.
4 votes -
- Product Suppliers -
Would be nice when extracting Cost Price* data for Suppliers for it to give you a option to select the supplier you would like as gives prices in this format "2.49|2.49" if there are two or more suppliers for one item.
Which is very time consuming to change as you can't just pull data from one sheet to another to update just one supplier's prices. As pulls throw both cost Prices.3 votes -
On the Warehouse Deliveries Page, Is it possible to add a notes section that is visible so rather than having to click into part complete
On the Warehouse Deliveries Page,
Is it possible to add a notes section that is visible so rather than having to click into part complete for example I can read a note I have added from the warehouse deliveries page.
2 votes -
Dispatch By Tote
I would like to see the option to despatch by tote added where a single order is scanned into a tote by the picker and the packer scans the tote to dispatch instead of scanning the products.
90% of our products do not come barcoded as they're not retail items and barcoding these items manually is not an option due to volume.
Being able to scan a pick location to pick the products into a tote and then scan the tote to dispatch would allow us to fully utilize the SF app.
4 votes -
Woo commerce multi attribute
I have asked before about storefeeder's inability to list multi attribute to woo commerce which handles this without issue. This means if something is black and red i have to decide which it is and can have it under both colours or have hundreds of different colour options on my website filters. I was told this had been requested by another client and was in the pipeline but i haven't heard anything since. Please introduce the ability to have multiple of the same attribute on a woocommerce listing. this is something that is already possible on a product just not…
1 vote -
Suggested Stock Transfers from Pick Bins to Bulk Locations
It would be good if suggested stock transfers could work in reverse allowing Bulk Locations to be filled from Pickbins. Our Pickbins serve our online orders well but we use Bulk Locations in our retail unit. We are finding it hard to keep track of restocking these in Storefeeder when items sell through our shop as there are no reports or suggestions of items that sell out of specific bulk locations.
5 votesHI Andrew,
thats not something in our plans so we will leave this for another month to gain more votes before we make a decision on this.
- Don't see your idea?