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  1. Ability to upload a product video or YouTube URL Link For Shopify Product

    Can we have the ability to upload product videos or have the option to input a youtube video url when uploading a product to shopify.
    This option is available within Shopify directly and it would be great to be able to do this in Storefeeder rather than having to add this after in Shopify.

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  2. Drag and Drop Image functionality for Shopify and other listings

    Can we have a function that would allow the drag and dropping of images when creating listings within Storefeeder.
    When creating a shopify listing with lots of images and it very time consuming to arrange the order of the images by inputting a sort number.
    It would be great if we can drag them into the correct order.

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  3. Integrate with

    A full integration with Marketplace would be very helpful.

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  4. Display Internal Notes On Orders Overview Page

    We use the pending orders section/pre-despatch. It would be great if our customer service team could see the internal notes section on an order on the main orders overview page. We tend to use this Notes section to make notes of emails sent, expected restock dates for backorders and any other important order information. Customer 'Special Instructions' seem to show up under the Notes filter instead of internal order notes.

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    To be able to see a separate statistic on the dashboard and also on warehouse picking stats - being picked. But for this to be how many are left to pick as per the app we use for picking.
    You can see on open pickwaves on picking screen started picking and finished picking and also picked units. So these analytics in some better stats table on dashboard or stats would be great.

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  6. Adding Production Timings to Products

    Around 95% of our items are personalised and made to order. It would be useful for us if we could input the time it takes to make each item on the product. Then when we come to make our pick waves it could add a 'total time it would take to make these items' field.

    This would be helpful for us so we could see how long our orders should take for the day, and we could then plan better accordingly.

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  7. Use Images as a filter

    If you could filter products by if they had an image or not would be quite useful.

    This would help with product creation as it adds another method to find particular products that may have titles, descriptions, etc already created but no images currently.

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  8. Allocating stock from specific warehouse or warehouse zone

    Using the RestAPI create-orders, it would be really useful to be able to specify a warehouse or warehouse+zone on the CreateOrderModel object to force the stock allocation process to focus on bins in a specific warehouse or zone.

    At the moment allocation seems to be fairly free to pick from any pick bin that the product sits in.

    I am aware of the allocate-orders endpoint that can do this after the order has been created but it feels cleaner to be able to specify this during order creation.

    We have a situation where we service two customers and their bins…

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  9. Dashboard update

    The dashboard will include a few new widgets - duplicate barcodes. simple but effective in checking for duplicated barcodes.

    Thanks, Sam

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  10. APP - whitelist IP

    Whitelist app login for the app

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  11. any chance we could have a keyboard shortcut for "save and upload" function

    Any chance we could have a keyboard shortcut for "save and upload" function?

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  12. Kit Products having a supplier impacting listings

    I noticed that kit products do not have a supplier. This is proving to be problematic when using Listings overview, where we filter by supplier.

    The kit products do not appear and therefore are not being listed, or missed.

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  13. Payment on account

    The ability to mark an order to be dispatched unpaid for trade customers and have visibility after dispatch that it is unpaid and be able to record payment against it post dispatch.

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  14. Improving Etsy integration to include categories and other listing updates

    Adding further options with the Etsy integration so that more can be done through Storefeeder would be great. We are trying to update categories in bulk but there is currently no way to do this on Etsy or Storefeeder.

    Adding in a greater depth of integration between SF and Etsy would be really useful as Etsy grows.

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  15. Amazon USA Phone Number Default Value

    Is it possible to have some kind of default template for marketplace orders such as Amazon USA.

    Every order we get from the Amazon USA platform has a long phone number with ext xxxx on the end of it. This is becoming a problem when despatching orders since the couriers such as DHL,DPD and others throw up an error saying that the phone number is invalid.

    We have to then delete the ext xxxx of the end in order to get the order to despatch.

    If we could have something in the integration which allows us to use a default…

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  16. Default picker

    It would be handy if there could be a default picker setting, this would speed up creating pickwaves as it takes away the step of selecting a picker everytime an order is despatched. Or perhaps it could have the last picker as the selected picker for the next batch of pickwaves? That way it only needs to be changed / clicked if the picker changes.

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  17. Scan a case barcode for despatch.

    I sell lots of items which come in case packs (6, 12, 18 units per case). Because I also sell the items in singles I have to have a single product which means the only way to despatch cases at the moment is to enter the quantity in the case before scanning the case or single product barcode.

    It would be so much better if a case barcode can be entered, and that Store Feeder knows the case barcode is for the 6, 12 or 18 units mentioned above.

    Does anyone else have a solution to despatching cases by scanning…

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  18. Tagging orders into a users workflow

    If there is a on going customer service query with an order - it would be great if we could tag this order with a label and then have a workflow of all the orders with current tags so that the customer service team can see on going orders to keep an eye on.

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  19. Order Notes Images

    It would be great if we could upload images to an order notes so that we can save pictures or damages, faults or PODs for continuity of information between staff.

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  20. Integration Jobs Logging

    As Storefeeder moves to be a more connected environment utilising APIs - it would be good as an Admin to be able to see a read only view of connections between our integrations sites. For example - i know Xero has the Error Logs, and All integrations have a test connection - but sometimes when setting up new integrations - it would be useful to have a table or area that you can see things are happening in the background. Often if we don't know there's data transfer happening in the back ground - it might be percieved that nothing…

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