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  1. Clearer notes from website orders on Shopify

    Currently customisation details from Shopify pull through into the 'item Options' on the order, and it displays (x1) at the end of every line. It does not look like this on Shopify.

    It would be great if this could be removed as it makes our orders messy.

    Additionally on Shopify you can amend the packing slip to only show relevant product information, it would be great if we could do the same on StoreFeeder (to remove unnecessary lines), or alternatively to have the ability to print our Shopify packing slip directly from StoreFeeder, or via a link on the Orders…

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  2. Price update on current exchange rates for active listings on foreign marketplaces

    Listing prices currently only convert to the marketplace currency at the point of upload, this causing huge disruption to prices on foreign platforms. Especially looking at the drop in GBP to USD at the beginning of this year.

    A daily price update performed to these channels based on the current exchange rate would massively solve this issue.

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  3. Add your own tokens and live exchange rates for Pricing Profiles

    Add your own tokens and live exchange rates for Pricing Profiles. Pricing Profiles is a great feature, until you want to use it to sell stuff abroad. If there was a way of adding live Exchange Rates as a token, this would become a possibility. Exchange Rates are already pulled into SF, so it can't be too difficult to make this available to other features? Whilst there, it would be useful to be able to store custom values as tokens... Postage costs to different international locations for instance.


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  4. shipperhq integration

    Integrate with shipperhq to support cart to shipping optimisation

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  5. Automatic / Scheduled Product Exports

    Scheduled Product Exports

    For example, I want to make a monthly report that gets sent to me at midnight on the first of every month with SKU, Name, Inventory Level

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    Hi Jack,

    this was discussed last week.  We have a new reporting enging coming soon where we can create global and bespoke reports for people more easily and it will also have the ability to schedule the report.  So we shoulf be able to help you once this goes live. This one seems like it would be a good report to geive to everyone so please keep an eye out for when its announced.



  6. Tick button on bulk transfers for removing old location

    I would just like to see if we could have the option on the transfer import screen to remove location when completing a bulk transfer on the Transfer import page. having this as a selectable option would be a much easier and streamlined for when doing larger stock transfers and re-arranging of the warehouse? there is already the option to remove locations from skus individually and a little work around albeit not ideal on the product import/export but i believe it would be better suited to being a yes/no option on the "Transfer Import" screen.

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  7. Walmart Integration

    Walmart is apparently opening up its US Market Place to UK sellers. Can you please create an integration for it?

    The US is our biggest market place and has a lot more untapped potential. If we could get a foothold on the Walmart market place it would be a great help.

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    We are happy to announce that Walmart is now on our list of planned integrations.

    Although there are no timescales currently as we have some others to finish of before we can start this.

    Please keep an eye on our updates for more info on when this is picked up.



  8. Report for number of times products hit 0 stock to allow for increases in min stock levels

    I would have thought this would be useful for everyone to be able to pull off a report over a certain time period of all the products that have hit 0 stock with a number indicating how many times this has happened. This would highlight any products that manual reorder levels/minimum stock levels are set too low and could be increased to in turn increase sales.

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  9. Returns Management via Storefeeder App

    We would like to be able to process customer returns via the Storefeeder App so items could be scanned in rather than having to update via Storefeeder.

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  10. Expiry date and batch number tracking functionality

    Capability to assign batch numbers and expiry dates to stock and manage inventory on First Expires First Out principle. Batch numbers and expiry dates would then be recorded against shipped orders to provide traceability.

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  11. Dark Mode

    Looking at white screens is very tiring to the eyes, especially when your job requires you to be looking at a computer screen most of the day. It would be great if StoreFeeder had a dark mode, something that is being added by default to most applications these days.

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  12. Bulk upload eBay specifics

    eBay Item specifics are becoming more important to the visibility of listings.
    Also, using the eBay recommended options can significantly further improve visibility and search results.
    While this can be done on an individual listing level, this is impractical with a large number of listings.
    There are third-party tools that can analyse in bulk and improve Item Specifics, however these upload directly to eBay, and will be overwritten by subsequent Storefeeder listing updates.
    Uploading to eBay and then redownloading to Storefeeder provides its own set of issues.
    If a CSV upload of Item specifics can be provided, it would be…

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  13. Audit for when pick bin/zone has been changed on the product page

    Audit for when pick bin/zone has been changed on the product page

    So we now the previous location.

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  14. Bulk Supplier Price Increases

    I would like a way to be able to bulk update supplier price increases within Storefeeder. Currently we have to export product data and use formulas within excel.

    This isn't possible when you have products with multiple suppliers / prices though because of how Storefeeder export this information within a single cell.

    This leaves us with having manually separate and update each supplier price. I have over 1000 products with multiple suppliers so this takes me days to work through.

    --- The Idea ---
    I think it would be great if when we export supplier information during a product export…

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  15. Report to show stock days of stock remaining until next delivery

    It would be good to have a report or a visual on the products tab, that shows days of stock remaining at the current sell through rate for a product.
    Also for the report to show the days of stock until the next delivery.

    It would then help us all know if to speed up or slow down a products selling.

    ProductA = "12 days of stock remaining" next delivery "15 days"
    ProductB = "52 days of stock remaining" next delivery "15 days"
    ProductC = "20 days of stock remaining" next delivery "7 days"

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  16. Big Commerce API V3

    Big Commerce API V3

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  17. Supplier Cost Pricing per Inventory

    It is very common for suppliers to temporarily change the price of an item (e.g. in a sale) that we already stock which we therefore buy. We are looking for the ability to allocate this cheaper-priced stock to a new price and once it is sold through, the old price would automatically return, or stick depending on settings, for the remaining (old-priced) stock. This would therefore make calculating profit margins a lot easier and save a lot of time as you would be able to quickly look back to see what inventory was bought at what price.

    To help this…

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    We have a new feature coming that will intorduces batches/FIFO into storefeeder.

    Once the first interation of this feature has been out and used sucessfully, we will work on further enchancements.

    This could then allow us to be able to track deliveries to certain stock and give you this information.  

  18. More decimal places for supplier costs

    Could we get 4 decimal places for supplier prices? Quite a lot of time our purchase order totals don't match invoices due to not being able to enter more prices to 4 decimal places.

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  19. Character Count

    Character count added to the Listing Title, Meta Title and Meta Description fields and Product Title.

    For SEO purposes I think this would be useful to know and easier to manage if you can see how many characters you have used in these fields.


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  20. Printing CN22 labels during pickwave despatch

    We would like to print CN22 labels automatically for any non-EU orders when printing our integrated invoices. After speaking to support it seems the only way to do this is to have a double-label invoice which includes a space for both an address label and a CN22 label. Unfortunately this isn't practical when using Royal Mail 6x4 labels which already take up a large amount of room on the invoice, and 95% of orders do not need a CN22 so this would be a lot of wasted space.

    Given that StoreFeeder is promoted as a direct upgrade from Click &…

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