Lewis White
My feedback
9 results found
12 votes
We are currently adding more permissions into StoreFeeder and one on the list is blocking the ability to be able to perform inventory updates\adjustments.
If you are performing stock takes on the app this should be unaffected as stock takes have to be approved before any adjustments are made.
Lewis White supported this idea ·
17 votes
We are looking at the possibility of doing this.
Lewis White supported this idea ·
1 vote
Lewis White shared this idea ·
25 votes
Discussions have started on this feature request. Its a complicated UI to contstruct so it will need further planning.
Lewis White supported this idea ·
20 votes
Thank you for the suggestion.
As this seems to be a popular request we will take this on for review and consideration for V3.
Lewis White supported this idea ·
18 votes
Hi Jack,
this was discussed last week. We have a new reporting enging coming soon where we can create global and bespoke reports for people more easily and it will also have the ability to schedule the report. So we shoulf be able to help you once this goes live. This one seems like it would be a good report to geive to everyone so please keep an eye out for when its announced.
Lewis White supported this idea ·
14 votes
Hi Aman,
this is something we plan to support in the future for eBay initially. But there is no timescale on this.
Lewis White supported this idea ·
32 votes
Lewis White supported this idea ·
18 votes
Hi Steven,
thanks for your suggestion. I'll get this one discussed.
Lewis White supported this idea ·