Adding "Ship By Date" to all channels
We are currently having an issue where our warehouse staff are solely concentrating on ship by dates rather than doing orders in order of oldest to newest.
We have had around 2000 Amazon and Amazon prime orders per day and these are very important, so these are completed first. Our warehouse aren’t shipping any phone orders, Shopify orders, eBay orders. They are only filtering by ‘Ship by Date’ and concentrating on that.
It would be better if we could add a ship by date to each order.
For example:
Amazon: No need as already provided
Shopify Priority: Same as order date
Shopify (Non Priority): Order date + 1 Day
Ebay Priority: Same as Order Date
Ebay (Non Priority): Same as order date, unless order is past 2pm
OnBuy: Order date + 1 Day
B&Q / Mirikal: Order date + 1 Day
Phone order: Order Date + 1 Day
Something like this would be great - or a way we could set the ship by date within channel settings.

michael humphreys commented
I spoke to storefeeder about this previously, my suggestion was simply within a Marketplace Integration, you could set the ship by date cut off for all orders (similar to what you have outlined), it would be super easy to implement this surely?
Garry Howard commented
Great idea - this would really help us !