Order Statuses of 'Exchanged' and 'Refunded' instead of 'Returned'...
Currently, whether you refund or exchange an order, the order status is set simply to 'Returned', which is not much help from an admin POV.
We exchange about half of our returned orders, and it is a little tedious having to enter into each order every time an enquiry comes in to ascertain what was actioned.
Order statuses of 'Refunded' and 'Exchanged' would be really very helpful, and seemingly an easyish one to code in...
Furthermore it is easy for a user to mistake the order as 'Refunded' on quick glance and then mistakenly action a refund on a 3rd party site in error, believing the refund not to have gone through.
Visually, within any order, it is not easy to see what action has been taken to be honest!

We are going to be looking at this as part of our V3 initiative with uses tags for order filtering