Being able to add special instructions to a specific order
If we usually pack an item in bags, but one item got damaged in transit and we issue a replacement (we would make sure we box the replacement as we don't want it arriving damaged again). As it is the office staff arranging the replacement, not the packers, it means that the office staff have to go out to pack it to ensure it gets boxed (for example).
It would be good if we could have a popup (such as where you would put the "Confirmation Required on Barcode Despatch") but for a specific order, instead of the product itself.
It would also be beneficial if this box was a different colour, incase there was already a special product instruction on there for that item.
thank for your suggestion. Its not a bad idea, however we wouldnt be looking to add this to the current order page. So this is something we will take in to account when creating the V3 version.