Pick multiple waves at once
The idea is for one picker to pick multiple waves on one trip around the warehouse. It would apply the same principle as trolley / consolidated picking to a larger volume of orders - instead of splitting one wave into smaller groups (or individual orders) ready for picking, you split a large volume of orders into smaller, standard waves ready for packing.
For example:
I have 150 orders to pick.
I split them into three waves of 50.
All three waves are assigned to one picker on one 'trolley' (terminology TBC), and are 'merged' for picking.
I place three totes / crates on a trolley, and set off around the warehouse.
The three 'merged' waves are then picked together.
I need to pick three of same unit from location x; two are in wave 1, one in wave 3. Scan the goods, place them in the relevant tub, move on.
One picked, the waves can be taken off the trolley and packed individually, in the same way as one would normallly pack.
This would enable us to pick several hundred units of stock on one trip, and make a huge productivity saving at the busiest times of year.