Advanced Despatch Order System
Currently, the process of printing and scanning orders is time-consuming. An 'Advanced Despatch Order' feature in the despatch order section would be a significant improvement. This would allow us to select a pick wave that we are working on and process orders directly on the computer, reducing paper usage, the likelihood of errors and saving time. Essential information such as Product Images, Order number, channel order reference, country, postcode, SKU, name, price, EAN, weight, box code, tape size, and an option to update weights, box size, and tape size should be readily visible on this screen.
I'd also like to suggest the addition of a feature that allows us to revisit the details of the last order. This would be particularly helpful for packers to verify if they suspect an error has been made. Additionally, it would be beneficial to have a 'Reprint Label' button in this advanced despatch section to address any printer or network issues that may arise. This will save time having to go into orders to reprint a label.
These enhancements would not only streamline our workflow but also improve the accuracy of our order fulfilment process. We believe that these features would be beneficial not only to our operations but potentially to other StoreFeeder users as well.
Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your positive response and are eager to see these features integrated into the StoreFeeder platform.
Best regards,
Thomas Griffiths
Tatty Goose

Hi Susan,
can I ask that you contact the support team for guidenace on how you can use the StoreFeeder App to be able to do this. As it already does exactly what you need and much more.
Please also have a look here for details on what the app can do for you: