Pickwave number to be displayed as a barcode > scan to open order for dispatch
We dispatch order by order, and so create unique pickwave IDs for each order. It's important for us to scan on packing (rather than picking) so we know the order is 100% on dispatch.
Looking through a long list of pickwave ID's is not easy and leads to time wasting errors if the wrong picwave ID is clicked on (the pickwave list text size is not big and display area quite small).
If the pickwave ID could be shown as a barcode on our paperwork which is created after the pickwave is generated, we could then scan the barcode and have the correct order open up ready for us to start scanning items as we pack them.
So a packer would receive a picked order ready for packing, scan the pickwave ID barcode on the paperwork and have the right order open up automatically on screen so they can start scanning items right away.
This would save a huge amount of time and cut down on errors caused by hunting for a pickwave ID from a long list.