View orders similar to web app
We have started using the StoreFeeder App, which is great to have now as a free feature.
However, the only thing our users have said that is missing is when you go to the dashboard and see that there’s been X amount of order today, it would be useful to be able to look at what those orders are in a table format. Similar to how the web app works where users can look at orders and filter etc. At the moment the only way we know to view order information is to type in the order number, tracking ref or postcode - but it would be good to browse the orders that’s are in.

Hi Callum,
thanks for the positive feedback, its good to hear you are finding the app useful.
However the app is not designed to be a replacement for the website, its used for warehouse functions so functionality like this wont be added as it dilutes the usefulness.
Keep your ideas coming though!