App: Add a transfer button to the product within picking
A request from our WM:
He would like to have an easy way to create a transfer for a product from within the picking section of the app.
Background: We store items in pick bins and bulk locations. The bulk locations are pallets high up in the racking. When the pick bins are empty we need to "pick" from these bulk locations. As this is a separate task to be done by a forklift driver we create a separate pickwave, whereby we're picking a quantity off the pallets high up. When we drop the pallet down, we will then transfer some (or all) of the remaining stock to refill the pick bin. To do this currently you have to come out of the pickwave, and go to a separate transfers page to create the transfer, then you have to go back to your pickwave. It would be easier if there was a way to go directly to creating a transfer for this item.
Hi Sam,
this has been declined as the suggested transfers should create these transfers before they are needed based on the current demand. Adding this functionality would break the flow of the app as everything is based on specific pages for specific tasks. However we are looking at adding functionality to also restrict pickbins by ease of pick such as if they need ladders or forklifts.
Sam commented
I've just made a suggestion which I believe would help with Sam's warehouse layout of bins which are picked from plus bulk stock/overflow stock areas:
"The ability to set maximum stock quantities each pickbin can hold".The idea is there is a maximum number of each product which fits into a pickbin and the transfers then recommend how many to move based on physical size/space available based on the number of products sold NOT the number of products sold in the last 7days which can end up with too much stock being moved from a bulk location.