Priority Pickbins
We'd love to be able to set a "priority pickbin" on a product, so that when set, storefeeder will assign stock from that pickbin first, rather than following the usual order of selecting stock based on the walk order of the warehouse.
ie , we select a priority pickbin tag within storefeeder, and when a pickwave is created, stock in this pickbin is assigned first. Once the stock runs out, if we have "keep pickbin" turned on then the priority pickbin would stay assigned (but be bypassed), and if we have "keep pickbin" turned off then it would just be removed along with the pickbin.
The current system for allocations uses stock from the first available pickbin according to the sort order, ie the walking order of the pickbins, and although this would be set as a logical journey around the warehouse, it wouldn't always be the logical place you want to pick the stock from.
Would be useful for short dated stock, or using up old stock before new stock etc
thanks for your suggestion. Its not something that we are looking to take on at this point as there are other things being done that need to happen first.
We are however looking at implementing FIFO which while not exactly what you want would get you what you are after.
Please keep an eye on the blog for further details.
Sam commented
I agree that priority on pickbins would be useful - ie my main pickbin locations would have a higher priority than the overflow location.