Form Of Presets For Creating Listings To Amazon
It would be good if you could have a form of different presets for creating listings within Amazon.
For example, for a product with variants it takes a relatively long time, and it would be handy if we could create a form of preset similar to the item specifics for eBay but for Amazon.
This would not only save time but also allow us to update requirement attribute for listings as they change within Amazon for products to come and for products which have already been listed but set attributes will need an update.
I think having a system similar to item specifics for eBay would work the best, so we could create our own presets for all our products, and this way also may be able to update and change products in bulk.

Thanks for your suggestion.
This is something we would love to implement in the future. However due to the complexity of listing to Amazon its not something we can do right now.
We will keep this in mind for when listing to Amazon is rewritten in the future.